When I first looked at this Publication of the Berkeley City 1976 Bicentennial Calendar (again, submitted by Laverne and Azlee Bean) I was reminded of how little they knew about the genesis of Berkeley City. The center of the picture below states this was the "First" city hall. Actually, the first City Hall was cobbled up from the residue of the Jim Aubuchon's "Frog Pond" Tavern. The City Hall shown was after the remodeling of Jim Aubuchon's "Frog Pond" Tavern. The "Frog Pond" and Pfitzinger 's Tavern were the two "Watering Holes" to slake a parched throat after a hard days work.
The Sign located in the center of the First City Hall Picture is actually the WW II Memorial for all the boys who were in the military service to our country. One Gold Star I remember was the loss of one of the Spirz Brothers...If my memory is correct I think his name was Irvin Spirz (A Paratrooper) . He was the first Berkeley Soldier to lose his life in WW II. The tragedy of progress is the loss of this Memorial to our Boys who served in WW II. It was destroyed and no memorial of their sacrifices exists. What a shame!
The top left picture illustrates the next error of omission for lack of knowledge about Berkeley's first Civic Center . It had long been forgotten the first civic center was the "Community Hall" which later became Vedders Hardware and Machine Shop.
Next take a look at the top Right picture showing the first Police Station. Wrong again!
The first Police Station was at 6049 Berkeley Drive...my Folks home! In 1938, our front room and dining room served dual purpose. On many occasions, Police court or Incarcerating a local drunk took place in my home. From there, they were transported to Clayton to the County Jail (AKA the Tank). Since my Father was the first Chief of Police, Berkeley was so poor, they had to use whatever facilities available and that was our domicile...This was in the middle of the "Hard Time Thirties" and the fledgling city of Berkeley struggled through with whatever could be utilized.
Next, the lower right hand picture shows the first Fire Station. Wrong again! The first Fire Station was a WW II war surplus Army Pumper of 500 Gallons of water capacity still in the Olive Drab paint until paint was found to paint it red. A make shift shed furnished by Art Vedder was the first Fire Station. Before this fledgling Fire department, Berkeley had fire protection furnished by the Florissant Volunteer Fire District which requires each household to purchase a "Fire Tag" that had to be displayed conspicuously so the Firemen could see that you had paid your Fire tag dues or ...tough Stuff! No Tag... no Fireman! They would let the fire burn to the ground.
If this sounds like an Old Man rambling about the "Lost History" of Berkeley..So Be it! I just want the real facts to never be forgotten. I have many of these omissions stored away in my feeble memory cells for future reference.
Again, Kinloch, Nuroad and Berkeley was a great place to have grown up as it truly was 'The Good 'Ol Days" that are gone forever. You will have a chance to visit with some of us 'Ol Geezers at the reunion and hear their reflection of these by-gone days, if you are prepared for some shaggy dog stories!