Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ancient BHS Document found on the Mayflower during restoration!

During the restoration of the sailing ship Mayflower, a deckhand discovered a rare copy of a BHS document which later proved to be the Class of '45 Graduation Program. It had weathered many storms and was delivered to me to add to our blog collection. It was apparent that times were tough as WW II was still raging and  there were few facilities for production of a first rate program for this graduation. Not having a Gutenberg press handy, they resorted to the ever faithful Memeograph machine for the Spartan reproduction of this rare edition. Picasso hadn't reached his fame yet and they had to depend on somebody who wrote graffiti on the side of the Dinky Streetcar to draw up the front page illustration for this sacred document.

I was there to see this Graduation program being held and will always remember Jack Schaffner singing "Without a Song". His Mother was in the audience and was very ill. She passed away shortly thereafter. It was his Swansong to his Mother and left an indelible mark in my memory. This Graduation Program awakened my memory and I can still hear Jack singing that song so beautifully knowing it will probably be the last time his Mother will hear his vocal talent.  This took place in the basement room (Often called the Music Room) located below the upstairs Library room of BHS. Even though it was a spartan publication, it represented the determination we had at that time to do with whatever we had.  I also remember the booming voice of Mr. Schnatzmeyer (The local Pillar of the Berkeley Presbyterian Church) giving the Invocation and Benediction. And  last, the ever faithful Mr. Holman and Mr. Spindler officiating at the presentation of Diploma's to the proud graduates of 1945. My cousin Bill Sowders was in that class and there were two more Sowders to follow in the upcoming years at BHS... (Classes of '49 & '50) . Thanks to Adobe Photoshop, I was able to restore it to a legible rendition for your perusal. 

 I have saved the best for the last... the  Cover Page of this '45 Graduation Program!
Someday it may get it's proper place and be displayed at  the Louvre to allow the world to recognize the artistic talent of Modern art in the 20Th Century from Berkeley High School. Move over Renoir! (Just in case somebody from Rio Linda reads this is pronounced "Ren-waa")  

(Submitted by Charles William Sowders '45)
This should be placed in a Mayonnaise Jar and buried under the front porch of Funk and Wagnalls for posterity!  

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